FUNLAYERS hosted engaging 2-day gathering at INL

FUNLAYERS gathered a vibrant group of stakeholders at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

June 18-19, 2024

Between June 18 and 19, FUNLAYERS gathered a vibrant group of stakeholders at INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory to enrol in two key actions.

On the first day, participants delved into insightful talks and lively discussions on spin-based applications and energy storage.
The exchange of ideas among stakeholders from academia, the private sector, and policymakers led us to a most fruitful discussion on the latest developments and future perspectives for Functional Layered Materials.

On the second day of the initiative, FUNLAYERS dove deep into an incredible hands-on session dedicated to the MCSA Postdoctoral Fellowships with an enthusiastic team of young researchers, grant experts, and experienced scientists.

These actions aimed to establish the foundations for facilitating knowledge sharing and cooperation between relevant actors in the field, and we couldn't be more excited about the opportunities lying ahead.


FUNLAYERS Summer School


FUNLAYERS gathered at ALBA to strengthen key competencies of the consortium